week 2 reflection

 This week was a little wonky because the original plan we had last Sunday went a little south. We had hoped to clear the trail all the way around Mud Pond with our original group but looking back today our plans have changed since then.

Our goals before we started had a lot to do with the trails and the duck boxes and have shifted after going up and realizing what we were working with. We cleared the trails as best we could but was halted after running into a giant birch devising the path as well as a steam /marshy area cutting into the bath further on. We were worried we didn’t have the tools or time to reroute the path so after talking to our mentor we edit ted our goals. 

We finished our first goal, being to clear the area by the cabin/lean2 and have shifted our other goals to focus on the tent platforms. We have three days left and we are going to spend them rebuilding the tent platform with the tools we obtained Friday. 


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